::Sigh:: Hello, friends. It's been quite some time, i'm aware, and i wish i could say it's because i've been so busy having the best time ever, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The brutal truth is that these past couple weeks have been beyond rough, and a great deal of it culminated in the past couple of days in a horrible, horrible way. Suffice to say blogging has been the last thing i've wanted to do, even though it probably would've done me some good to write. I've also completely neglected my journal which i think has contributed to my emotional landslide. I'm trying to get back on track, really i am. I indulged in some creativity tonight, which has been fantastic for my mood and my apartment! I hope to make tomorrow productive and start this next week on the right foot. I guess you could say i'm trying my hardest to be upbeat.
In other news, i have become completely and 100% OBSESSED with interior design. There are a couple of design blogs that i've frequented in the past, but since i've moved into my new space, i've become an avid fan of several incredible design blogs. Love love LOVE IT. Want to paint every single inch of wall space in my house, not to mention wallpaper (don't think the Triangle would appreciate that), and i wish i had 3 more rooms to fill and decorate. Oh i also wish i would win the lottery so i could afford to do all of this. ;-)
This morning I helped out with a 6-year old girl's birthday party, and i couldn't imagine a better Saturday morning. Imagine sixteen DARLING kindergarten girls in pink and purple PJ's, eating popcorn and watching Barbie movies, getting their nails painted by yours truly, eating breakfast pizza and ice cream cones, running and giggling hysterically up and down the stairs, and throwing stuffed ponies EVERYWHERE. It was SO much fun, and the darling little birthday girl (whom i ADORE) loved her gift from moi. What more could i ask for? I'm so lucky to know this family.
Ok i must run and pursue even more creative endeavors, but i'll leave you with some of my *favorite* blogs... Enjoy, my darlings!
Apartment Therapy
decor8BloesemCreature ComfortsAt Home At Homesfgirlbybay