This week has been challenging, to say the last, and I'm glad the weekend is here. I'm currently sitting at my sister's kitchen island in sunny California, sipping some Awake tea and playing with my planner. Mom and Sis will be back from the doctor's office soon, and I'm looking forward to a day of running errands, getting last-minute stuff for the baby shower (see sneak peek of decor above) and just relaxing.
Week in Review
- 2 gym dates (4 miles, 2 miles + strength training)
- goodbye dinner avec Rachel at Red Farm (AMAZING and totally worth the wait)
- weekly a cappella rehearsal followed by din at Westville
- minor emotional breakdown (more on this later)
- one very long Virgin America flight from JFK -> SFO
- decision to take the month of April off from socializing
Weekend Wishlist
- have a lovely weekend in NoCal with Momma Park and Ma Soeur
- host kick ass baby shower for Ma Soeur
- get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
- re-read Hip Tranquil Chick (it's about that time)
- don't check my Blackberry