Life's been a series of ups and downs lately. Ups include the fact that i'm living in freaking London (YAY!), doing zero schoolwork and not having to feel (that) guilty about it at all, and have just been having an amazing time abroad. Downs, however, include Mom's health and my occasional feelings of fatigue and ickiness. It seems, however, that my Mom's situation is best-case scenario so i guess that's a little comforting. And my ickiness is just a natural result of this radical weather, and as long as i don't get the flu, i'm happy. It gets dark around these parts at, like, 4 p.m. now. It's crazy weird!! Really, it makes you not want to leave the house past 5 because it's so cold and dark outside, and so i've been pretty content snuggling up in my now cozy bed, in my now very homey room, reading some great books. Just finished "The Almost Moon" by Alice Sebold, which i very much enjoyed and have since started "Atonement" by Ian McEwan (quite an unfortunate name, eh?). Today i also started re-reading my beloved "Hip Tranquil Chick" and fell in love all over again. I actually read a semi-nasty review of HTC on and kind of wanted to punch the reviewer in the face. OK not really, but her attitude was very "holier than thou," and she CLEARLY was not a girly girl. So why did you buy a pink and leopard print embellished book entitled "Hip Tranquil Chick??" Oh well, guess you can't win 'em all!
While i've been here, i've also been fortunate enough to make a little extra cash babysitting for a fellow UT law student's adorable children. S and L are DARLING, and i love every moment i have with them. (Ok - maybe not the dirty diaper ones.) It had actually been awhile since i babysat, and so tonight was quite a treat. We cooked penne and bolognese sauce for dinner and then cuddled on the couch watching Mario & Luigi kick some ass on TV. It was sweet. I can't wait to have babies! (I know i know... i'm only 24...)
Um so, like a fool, i forgot to put all my Christmas tunes on my macbook, soooo if anyone has fun holiday music to share... please do!! Thus far, i've successfully fought the temptation to buy Christmas decor... i hope it stays that way. In the meantime, i will be enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland that is Prague!!
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