Can I just say a big MERCI for all your excitement and support over my decision to move to NYC? I love it! I can't WAIT to get there, and of course, I also can't wait to share the journey with you. And oh, what a journey it will be... Here are my answers to some FAQ's I've been getting:
Are you moving for a job?Not necessarily... I am moving for a career change (aka I will not be an attorney in NYC), but it wasn't my primary motivation. My primary motivation was to get out of TX, something I've been itching to do for quite awhile. Don't get me wrong - Austin is INCREDIBLE, and I will miss it dearly. But I'm a city gal at heart and have always dreamed of NYC, I just never thought it was a possibility. And now it is! So, I'm moving in June to begin looking for a job, and I have a couple of exciting leads. :)
Where will you be living?I'll be living with 3 girls (I know... THREE) in a fabulous apartment in
Chelsea. I'm SUPER excited about the location b/c 3 of my dearest friends all live in Chelsea, and the proximity will definitely come in handy. Also? Chelsea is central and close to everything! Admittedly, living with 3 people will be difficult, especially since I've been living alone for quite some time. But, I'd rather live with people than live alone (for now, anyway), AND living with 3 people means my rent is outstanding. Plus our apartment has a big kitchen, 2 full bathrooms, and a washer/dryer IN the apartment! AND I'm mere minutes from Whole Foods (huge plus) and plenty of coffee shops (in which I'll be doing my job searching). Oh and my closet is HUGE by NYC standards (though obviously not as huge as my ginormous walk-in here in Austin...). ;)
What do your family and friends think?They are totally behind me 100%!!! I am SO SO SO grateful for them because I'm not sure that I could do this without their encouragement. And my parents... oh my incredible parents. They are behind me 120%, and it's still hard for me to believe, but I can't begin to tell you how amazing it is. Even if everything blows up in my face, I know that they'll be there for me. That is huge. Oh and of course my sister is totally gung ho about it, too! HOLLAAA!!
Are you taking Lola and Puffin?No. :( :( :( I've actually found Puffin a new home here in Austin (sad, I know, but I think he'll be happy to be the only child again), and as for Lola, well, she'll probably be spending time with my parents in Dallas for a couple of months and then we'll see. While I would love to bring Lola with me, it's just not fair to. First, I'm living with 3 other girls, and pets are not option. Second, there is no green in NYC except in Central Park, and well, that's nowhere near Chelsea. Third, I can't give Lola the life she deserves, at least not at first. Don't get me wrong, I will miss her... I will die. I started crying hysterically the other day at just the thought of not waking up with her. But it's the best thing for her, and quite honestly, the best thing for me right now. I know we'll be together in the near future, and that's all that matters. In the meantime, I want her to have the luxe and comfortable life she deserves. (Plus? I think my Mom kind of needs Lola right now.)
Are you scared?Uh... YEAH, I'm scared. I've never considered myself a risk-taker and leaving my cushy job in my cushy city means taking a risk. That being said, I've never been more excited. For the first time, I've trusted my gut instinct in every step of this huge decision-making process, and it has served me well. This is it. This is my life! I'm taking charge!!