Sunday, December 23, 2007


Yes yes i have finally returned to the U.S. of A, and surprise surprise, i already miss London. I miss the sights, the sounds, the streets, and of course, TopShop. That being said, i don't miss the Institution or the lack of good and cheap food, so i guess the grass is always greener on the other side. My trip home went pretty smoothly, except for a slight delay at my Chicago layover. Luckily my crazy whacked out London sleep schedule has translated into a great, solid sleep schedule here in the States. I've been fast asleep by midnight or earlier and up by 8:30, a vast improvement. I'm currently snuggled up in my beautiful pink bedroom upstairs in my parents' home in good ole Rowlett. Truth be told, it's not all sunshine and butterflies 'round here since i just spent a good 10 minutes crying into my pillow a la high school. Yet ANOTHER conversation about money with my parents. Why oh why? I've already had like 3 and i've only been home for 2 days! Argh. It just makes me wonder... will my parents ever see beyond my faults? Anyway, it'll blow over, and i am overreacting, but it's probably because i've missed my family so much that to get such crap from my mother, father, AND my sister about my money-spending habits after being away for 3+ months is tres annoying. Mom's also not happy about my vegetarian experiment, surprise surprise.

SO i'm really glad to be back in the States, but i really really can't wait till i get to Austin. I wish there were some way i could move in earlier... maybe i'll give Matt @ the Triangle a call tomorrow... Or maybe i'll just crash @ Pony's if i feel that i'm going out of my mind. ;-)

Plans for tonight? I don't know... before my crying fit, Bro and i were planning to hit up Best Buy and Target. Ooh he just came in, so here we go! XOXO, will write later.

<3 C

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