Tuesday, November 2, 2010

R to the Zoe: Halloween NYC-Style

I'm not gonna lie - by the time Saturday night rolled around, I was in NO MOOD to go out. I was tired and wanted an early night. But. I rallied. And my roomies and I kicked off the party with pizza and booze. :D As I sang along to Lady Gaga and Britney, I did Roomie Deux's makeup. Can you guess who she is?

Here's another hint...
That's right... she was JEM!  I think I want to be Jem next year because hello, she wears nothing but hot pink.  Didn't I do a good job on her makeup?  I was pretty impressed with myself, if I do say so myself.  ;)

My costume was super easy because I already owned everything!  I tried to find some cheap blonde hair extensions, but it just wasn't happening.  I decided to go as a brunette, Asian Rachel Zoe.  :D  

The real RZ...

And moi!

Costume included:
- signature RZ faux fur vest (this is actually the RZ brand haha)
- big sunnies
- giant Starbucks cup full of tea
- big hair (or at least she used to have big hair...)
- gobs and gobs of gold and sparkly jewelry (you can't see, but I'm wearing 3 necklaces, one watch, 3 oversized rings, and about 10 bracelets)
- oversized bag (hers is the Birkin, mine is Mulberry for Target... b/c I didn't have $15k to spend)
- burgundy lips
- dark nails (Chanel Vamp is actually a shade Rachel wears - I'm authentic like that)

My dates for the night are childhood favorites...

I even hung out with Snooki!

Later that night, at another party, I ran into my old friend Harry Potter.  He did his thang and turned my tea into something a bit more festive.  :)

And THEN my hubby Rodger walked in!  He was cracking me up...

(This guy wasn't dressed as Rodger, but he kind of looks like him, AND he said he dressed like him last year, so I figured I'd play along.)

All in all, it was a pretty fabulous night!


Anonymous said...

LOL...you made a better RZ than Rachel herself! too funny.

hanging with snookie? how cool. LOL :)

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

You are a PERFECT Rachel Zoe :) I love the attitude, the Starbucks.. great job!

It's such a good idea to go as a celebrity when you can just use what you have in your closet

Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn! I saw that you posted on my post about running - thanks for reading! I'm noting there are a lot of runners out there like me - slow and sweaty, but determined to do it. How's the camelback working for you?

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable. Your Halloween was much more festive than mine.

Rachel said...

Cute outfit! :)