Friday, January 7, 2011

Week in Review & Best Celeb Sighting Ever

WOWZA what a week!!  It went by pretty quickly, I will say that, but goodness, it was exhausting.  I'm THRILLED it's Friday and have a brief moment to let y'all know how my week went!

Training. Um... fail.  My first week in 2011, and it was a huge massive fail, and yes, I'm upset about it.  Basically, my yoga plans for Tuesday fell through when I realized that I forgot ALL my important yoga gear (way too sleepy that morning), my run on Wednesday morning was cut short b/c I woke up too late so I only got in 3 miles instead of 4.5, and I failed to cross-train on Thursday morning b/c I was EXHAUSTED when my alarm went off at 6:30 AM.  Thursday night I had dinner plans (hence the early morning workout plan) at Locanda Verde, and some of y'all know that I had a verrry exciting celebrity sighting!!

Yup, Meryl Streep just chilling at the next table.  EEK!!!  Best. Celebrity. Sighting. EVER. 

Anyway, despite my awful week of not following my most important January goal, I am moving onward and upward.  Today after work I am doing my 4.5 mile run, Saturday I'm dong some verybadlyneeded hot yoga, and Sunday I'm doing 8 miles (......). 

Nanowrimo.  I'm not sure what to say about this except that I'm doing it (along with three friends!), and I have written NOTHING.  We technically started on January 4... yeah.  I am behind.  We are having a writing party at the B&N in Tribeca this Sunday, and I am STOKED!

I have a tres busy weekend ahead, and I am very much looking forward to the 3-day weekend ahead.  (MLK day is already a scheduled bed day for moi!)  I hope you, dear friends, have a fabulous weekend.  See you Monday!!


ta soeur said...

Why don't you tell me about these celebrity sightings?!?! Why do I have to find out on your blog???

thegirlhassparke said...

Oh interested to see how hot yoga goes - I am curious about it. Eep love Meryl Streep.

A'n'G Johnson said...

Meryl Streep.
I would have been squealing the whole meal!