After quite a late sleep-in this morning, err..afternoon, I met up with Mom and Auntie at the acupuncturist. Mom wanted to see if she could do anything about my horrible sinus problems and allergies. After filling out a long questionnaire and showing the doc my tongue, she handed me a paper gown and proceeded to put needles in EVERY part of my body. I'm talkin' head, face, neck, chest, stomach, hands, legs, feet, back... everywhere. Surprisingly the only ones that kinda hurt were the ones in my little bitty hands. Other than that, the others were... interesting. Thank G there wasn't a mirror around! After handing me ten (yes, really, TEN) bottles of various herbs, i was on my merry way. We had a nice girls' dinner at Houston's, complete with a tres cute waiter and a petit argument about tipping (i insist on 20% for good service, and my mom thinks i'm whack), i said au revoir and headed up to IKEA. Spent a good time perusing, getting ideas for the new space, and wondering why oh WHY can i not seem to find the perfect coffee table. Anyway, hit Blockbuster on the way home and picked up "Provoked," a little film, starring Aishwarya Rai, based on a true story about a woman who set fire to (and therefore killed) her husband after 10 years of abuse and rape. It was surprisingly really good, and i actually kinda sorta knew what all the law talk was about. Imagine that! 2 1/2 years of law school, and i kinda sorta know stuff about the law. Sweet money.
So now it's only midnight, and this entire house of old fogies is asleep. Sigh. Makes it tres difficult to really get any good packing/organizing/dancing done, but i guess it's my own fault for not being productive during the day. Plans for tomorrow include more packing, shopping @ the Galleria, and seeing The Kite Runner (guaranteed to be a HUGE tearjerker). I'm off to be "productive"! In the meantime, enjoy these fun pics from Christmastime... my darling kitties and me and Mom's joy upon receiving the warmest most comfy slippers ever!
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