Friday, May 16, 2008


It's FINALLY here!! Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p.m. is the Sunflower Ceremony (aka law school graduation) for 2008 University of Texas School of Law Graduates. WHEEEEE!!! It's sort of unreal to me that i'm going to be walking across that stage tomorrow. What a ridiculous three years it's been! It's still not all over... i still have 4 credits left to take in June AND the BAR exam to take in July, but it's about as real as it can get right now, and that's just fine with me.

In about 30 minutes I'm going to pick up my darling sister and bro-in-law from the airport. Tomorrow morning Momma and Daddy Park are coming in, and after graduation festivities we are all having dinner @ Gumbo's downtown. Sunday we have brunch reservations @ Chez Zee, and then i hope to spend some quality time outside with Lola and my dear family.

Speaking of that adorable little puppy of mine... my mom still doesn't know i have her. So tomorrow will be QUITE a surprise. I'm not sure how she'll react, to be honest. On the one hand she'll be furious with me for going behind her back and getting a dog when she pretty much forbade it. On the other i'm 24 years old, graduating from law school, and SO close to getting off her payroll so... who cares? Not who cares, but she knows she really can't stop me from doing whatever i want. What a weird feeling...

This morning i had a Graduation Brunch & Tea with my darling Pony (BFF in law school!), and we exchanged gifts while Lola and Beau (her little Yorkie) ran around the apt. She LOVED her scrapbook i'm so happy to say, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my gorgeous Vera Bradley travel bag, monogrammed with a big HOT PINK "C"! Isn't it amazing how monogramming can make an item so much more personal and wonderful? I love it, particularly in hot pinK!

Speaking of hot pink... Kimberly Wilson over at Hip Tranquil Chick blogged about adding some fun hot pink streaks to her hair the other day. It reminded me of how much i adored my hot pink streaks, and so i stopped by Hot Topic today to see if they had any of my "atomic pink" hair dye. Sadly they stopped carrying it!! I'm determined to find it and get all kinds of funky with my hair. I only have 4 months to be CRAZY, and so i've pretty much decided to get it all out of my system. Hurray!!

1 comment:

LobotoME said...

Congratulations on graduation!

The new pads will be available May 30th.

Jenny :)