Monday, August 18, 2008

Bon Voyage!

Holy crap.. i'm leaving for France tomorrow!!!!!!! As you can tell, i'm tres excited and just can't believe this magical moment is finally here. Today was spent running last minute errands, having lunch w/ dear Abby, and of course, running into M (my travel partner-in-crime) in the dressing rooms at Anthropologie. Ha! It was the funniest thing ever and took me a few seconds to figure out who it was approaching me and squealing! The salespeople at Anthro prob thought we were crazy b/c we kept saying, "We're going to France tomorrow!! TO FRANCE!" In other good news, actually FABULOUS news, M's boyfriend's friend has graciously invited us to stay at his family compound in Saint Tropez for 3 nights during our stay. Um... excuse moi? Yep, you heard it right! Three nights in a gorgeous family home in one of the most gorgeous places on earth? And for.. FREE? Be still, my heart! I canceled our Cannes hotel reservation immediately and secretly calculated the extra shopping $$ into my budget (teehee). Hooray for generous friends of friends!!

Now i'm snuggled into bed, just a few pages away from finishing Such A Pretty Fat (totally L-O-V-E-D it btw and want to read her other two memoirs immediately!), and will hopefully sleep better tonight. Took me forever to fall asleep last night b/c my darn lower back pain. I've somewhat remedied the situation tonight by slapping an icy hot patch on it. Love these suckers. (Yea i realize theyre prob not all that great for me...)

I fear i may have overpacked... shocking, i know. But i really was determined to travel light! As long as my lovely leopard print suitcase isn't overweight tomorrow, i'm gooood.

Ate really healthily today (for me, anyway) and am feeling good. It's amazing how much better you feel when you don't eat yourself into discomfort on a daily basis. Still the challenge of vacationing is scary. Particularly the "workout on your vacay" part. "Excuse me M while i do jump squats and weird plank balancing poses because if i don't, my trainer will hurt me AND i'll have made zero progress this week?" Hmm. Maybe M will do them w/ me? That might be fun...ny. Ah well, i've got my sneakers, running shorts, sports bras, and resistance bands packed so it's gonna happen damn it!

Still waiting for the lovely numbness of this icyhot patch to kick in... In the meantime i suppose i'll read and then drift into a delightful slumber full of beautiful, French dreams. Goodnight, friends.

1 comment:

Abby L said...

waaaaaaaahhoooooooooo have fun fun fun!! bring me back a (tall, dark, well educated, loaded with tons of money he'd spend graciously on my every desire) hottie :)