Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Heart Running

Running. 101. is. incredible. No seriously. I hate running, abhor everything about it. I got into it once in my life, but it still hurt like hell. BUT, something is magical about running groups in that they make the whole running part not suck as much. Amazing! I left work in a foul mood yesterday b/c I had to deal with some really crappy crap that came up at the end of the day. 1.5 hours later, and i was high on life. Last night we ran to a nearby middle school and then did speed drills on their track. Sounds not fun, right? But it was good! I've never pushed myself so hard! And even when my heart threatened to literally burst out of my chest, it felt good. I don't know what's going on here.

Also? I'm getting a little competitive. I always assumed I'd be the slowest, fattest runner in the group. But actually, I'm one of the most athletic. How did that happen?! I gotta tell ya, it's encouraging and only makes me want to do better. I am also loving the emphasis on correct form - tres important. Now I just need to get some new running shoes + socks + bras. Ce n'est pas cheap... But I'm hoping a certain Mother of mine takes pity on moi (and my budget) and buys them for me. :) (MOM IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I LOVE YOU!!!)

And today I plan on going to yoga for the first time in weeks. Because with all this running comes insanely tight hips. I think yoga is the perfect balance to running. What about you current runners and yogis? Do you think the two complement each other?


Chelsea said...

Don't get me wrong, I haven't been the most athletic person lately, but, when I was exercising on a regular basis, I was doing a combination of yoga and cardio all the time. I think they're the perfect balance to one another. I’m not an expert of any kind, but the combination sounds lovely. Just make sure to let your muscles rest every once in awhile.

Also, I wanted to let you know that I think it’s great that you challenged yourself by doing something that you didn’t really like, like running. You’re totally inspiring me to just start exercising in general, and stop using my crazy schedule as an excuse. I’m so proud of you and keep up the fabulous work!

Unknown said...

Absolutely! I used to do the same thing... They are great together! (then I had to stop running, but that's another story).

SO proud of you Carolyn!!! :)

Pamplemousse1983 said...

Carolyn, make sure when you buy your new shoes that you go to a running outfitter and get fitted...it'll SERIOUSLY change your life! When I was training for a 1/2 marathon I got fitted for shoes about 2 months in and the difference was incredible...so so so worth it.

I'm glad you're enjoying it! It's actually a great way to zone out and come to think of it, you could get away with doing your "nothing" time then...just focus on your breathing :)

Analiese said...

As a runner and yogi, I definitely think the two complement each other. Running is fantastic cardio, but it tends to tighten my hips, thighs, and glutes, whereas yoga loosens those muscles. Doing both keeps me in balance. Glad to hear you're enjoying the running!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

As a former runner I had to quit because of my knees

But as a biker, I can relate!! :)

Globetrotting Cacti said...

I can totally relate and I do believe that the yoga and running go together well.

I also agree that you should get fitted for trainers at a specialist running store. They will examine how you run (and sometimes video it) to determine the correct trainers for you and it makes all the difference.

MPP said...

YES!!! That's pretty much my workout: run one day, yoga the next, rest the next, repeat. It's fantastic. And running with a group? Even better. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

Sallie Ann said...

First, look at that cute little cartoon you!!!! Precious. And yes, for me running is the perfect thing to accompany my yoga practice. I am not a "runner" either, but I am fairly consistant in my 3 miles/3x week. I find this, along with my daily yoga practice keeps me someone grounded and allows me to spend my little extra money on other things other than larger clothes!

Rachel said...

Yes with running i think you MUST do yoga. I haven't done yoga in two months :( but i have been running and it sucks.

Glad you're enjoying your group so much!!

Melita said...

yay for you!! i am so proud!! i think yoga complements anything, especially running!

Sarah said...

Yay! Congrats on your running, sounds great! I love yoga after running. Even if it is just a few quick poses, it does help. Sometimes, I will do a quick yoga podcast when I get home from the gym, to give me a deeper stretch.

Leslie said...

Just wanted to let you know I posted the recipe for corn and potato chowder on my blog. It is delicious!
