Thursday, October 21, 2010

Operation: Get Well

Sunday: Notice a bit of difficulty swallowing breakfast wrap at Cafe Champignons.  Hmm...

Monday: Wake up with sore throat, but body feels fine.  Take it easy most of the day and go to yoga at night.  Fall asleep feeling optimistic.

Tuesday: Sore throat still there, but decide to go for a run anyway.  Feel great after run!  Notice some sniffling and a nasal-y tone in my voice.  Choose to ignore.

Wednesday: Wake up feeling like CRAP.  Moan, wrap myself up in quilt tighter, and immediately fall back to sleep.  Wake up a few hours later to a text message.  1 PM.  Drag myself out of bed, pull on leggings and jacket, and make the short trek to Whole Foods and Whole Body.  Pick up all kinds of goodies.  This is what Operation: Get Well looks like in Carolyn-land:
(kale, coconut water, OJ, lemons, throat coat tea, Riiiiicolaaa!, Badger Winter Wonder Balm (for chest), Emergen-C, Immune Support vitamins, and antibacterial spray)

Post-WF Run: Guzzle down a cup of freshly squeezed OJ spiked with Emergen-C (I cannot get that stuff down with just water.  In OJ?  Delish.)  Began chopping kale and make soup.  Retreat back to bed and beloved laptop.

Couple hours later...  Make croutons and ladle soup.  Lunch + Dinner = Linner!  
I am obsessed with reusable cups with straws.  Obsessed.

Am now lying in bed avec laptop, iPhone, liquids, and Criminal Minds.  I want to feel BRAND SPANKIN' NEW by Friday!

What's in your Operation: Get Well kit?


Globetrotting Cacti said...

Orange juice, water, satsumas, duvet, magazine, TV and lots of pillows....!

Globetrotting Cacti said...

Whoops - forgot to say get well soon! Hope you make a quick recovery.... x

Amanda said...

F.R.I.E.N.D.S isn't a sick day unless I am curled up on the couch watching those! Get well soon!

Vanessa said...

Nasal spray, orange juice, soup, my mother and some good stuff to watch on my laptop in bed. Oh, and don't forget the fleece pants.
On another not, where do you get the reusable cup and straw? So cute!

Sarah said...

Hope you are feeling better! Vitamin C & echinacea are great for bringing back health! I always turn to OJ and echinacea as soon as I feel a sore throat.

Tracy said...

First of all, congrats on the new job!!!
I'm also a fan of Emergen-C and like you, I put some juice, usually cranberry or grapefriut, in with the water and powder.
I'm currently battling a nasty cough and here are 2 more things I'm going to try for the first time:
1) my husband, Mark, swears by gargling with apple cider vinegar diluted with water and a little honey. He also drinks that concoction.
2)I just read that chewing some raw ginger with a little salt on it is also a good cough remedy. I love the taste of ginger (and salt!) so Im going to try that one too!
Feel better!