Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Monday!

Word on the Tweet street is that a lot of people are suffering from the Monday blues. In an effort to combat those myself, I'm making a Happy Monday List mandatory! Voila what's making moi happy right now...

1. Truth - It's the next chapter in The Joy Diet, and it's already making itself known in my life in so many ways. I thought it'd be scary, and yes it is a little bit, but it's also liberating.

2. Family and besties - Despite my sister being in Australia, my besties being several hours away and one in Hawaii of all places, and my Mom being uber busy at work, they have all managed to be there for me during some difficult times in the last couple weeks. So much love for them!!

3. ACL - is this weekend, and it's my first time! This is what Austin's known for, people, amazing live music. My boy BFF from DC is heading down Thursday night, and I can't wait to see him!

4. Jennifer - The ONLY person who has managed to get me on a budget (and stick to it!), a previously impossible feat! She's also coming to visit Austin in a couple months, and I'm SO excited to show her my city. :)

5. My Night - Anusara yoga class after work (one of the most challenging classes EVER, seriously) and then indulging in fab Monday night TV - GG and my fave RZP.

What's making you happy on this moody Monday?


Sarah said...

Sounds like you will have a great night! I will live vicariously through you tonight, since my cable isn't hooked up yet at the house, so I can't watch GG or RZP. Just think, almost half of the work day is over. :)

LobotoME said...

Great list - happy Monday~

xo, j :)

Caitlin said...

What's making me happy this moody monday? Right now? It's your post. Thanks for the reminder about the happy list, I'll give it a shot!

Melita said...

ah yes, gratitude/happiness lists can change so much, including our outlook & mood ;) have a great monday!

positively present said...

I'm not a huge fan of Mondays but today I'm pretty happy that it's fall and that I have the honor of having an awesome guest post up on my site. And I love the pic above. What a beautiful dress. I die!

Rachel said...

Glad you're staying positive on this difficult monday! The only thing keeping me sane is the fact that I will spend this weekend at home with BF.

Stephanie said...

Your cheerful blog always makes me happy!

Crystal said...

Quite simply? Rachel Zoe. Ahhhh I'm just as excited about tonight's new episode as you are! Ever since her show I now wish my name was Taylor just so people could call me "Tay-Tay". Bananas.

Cathi said...

What a great list.....have a wonderful evening!

Vienna said...

Hope your Monday was fun. Happy week!

Pink Heels said...

I can't wait to visit you in Austin! So much to do, so much to see, sooo little time! : ) I need a nap just thinking about it.