Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 3... Rant, Ramen, and Rest

I'm not feeling happy-go-lucky-I'm-in-NYC right now. Right now I'm annoyed b/c the FedEx guy STILL hasn't come which means I STILL haven't left the apartment. I'm annoyed because I tried to take the overflowing trash (strike 1) down to the trash room, but my key to the room didn't work. Fail. And more than that, I'm disgusted by the bathroom situation. This apartment has 4 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms, which is pretty rare in the city. The bathroom I share with Roomie #1 is tiny, but seemingly clean enough. That is, until I tried to take a shower yesterday and realized the drain doesn't... drain. Standing in my dirty water isn't my idea of a refreshing shower. Afterwards I realized why - there was a layer of scum and hair covering the drain. Also? Lots of scummy nastiness around that area of the tub. Seriously? I tried to clear away what I could and prayed that the cleaning lady was coming soon (she's coming on Monday, apparently).

This morning as I stepped into the bathroom, I pulled aside the shower curtain to realize that there was, in fact, another layer of scum and hair left from Roomie #1's shower last night (strike 2). SERIOUSLY? She's supposed to be the "neat freak" one, and she can't keep a damn shower clean?? Now, I realize, I'm a bit on the OCD side, but come ON. That's disgusting on 100 levels. I looked over at Roomie #2 and #3's bathroom, and their shower was 20x cleaner than ours. I may have to beg them to share their shower with me because I can't handle filthy showers, especially when that filth can be prevented.

WHY am I always the cleanest roommate??? I'm not even THAT clean/neat of a person (at least not compared to my sister and my friend Jenny), but SERIOUSLY? I'm so grossed out right now.


FedEx guy FINALLY came around 4:30. As soon as I got the boxes in my room, I flew down the stairs and out the door. I love love LOVE my neighborhood. Across the street from my apt is this hilarious bakery. Will I get a big booty if I eat there? It's likely...

Also love that there's a Whole Foods mere minutes away. WF is actually one of the most inexpensive grocery stores in the city. As far as food prices go, they're the same as Austin prices so no sticker shock here for me!

Eventually I found myself in Koreatown and decided to stock up on some Korean grocery staples (aka spicy kimchi ramen, roasted chestnuts, and almond pocky). I then wandered over to Madison Square Park where a bunch of Marilyn "look-alikes" (I use that term loosely) were busy celebrating Marilyn's 100th birthday or something.

On Fifth Avenue, adjacent to Madison Square Park, there's a little concrete strip where people can sit at little tables and people watch. Or, in this man's case, take a petit nap...

After a few hours of walking, I found myself thirsty, hot and wanting to majorly veg out. I got myself a frosty beverage, ordered in, and spent the rest of the evening slowly unpacking my 2 FedEx boxes. Tomorrow is brunch @ The Organic Grill, Renegade Craft Fair, dinner at Bobo, and drinks with Roomie #3 and friends. Fun!


FB @ said...

I hope Roomie #1 doesn't read this blog ;)

That is kind of gross. I clean my hair out every time I finish showering for BF's sake.

MoneyMaus said...

Moving is stressful, especially to a new city! I shed a lot of hair in the shower, but I always clean it every day, for my male roommate's sake. It's courteous! Good luck w/ that roomie!

Omg LOVE all your adventures on places near your apt! I miss NYC WF. Used to go to the Columbus Circle one during my summer internship a few years ago... CROWDED as anything but the most amazing/efficient check-out line in the world! :) Have an awesome weekend, can't wait to hear about your fun filled Saturday!

Rachel said...

I'm sorry you're having trouble with a roomie. I cannot live with females. It's too difficult. In fact, I think that the only reason I can live with BF is because I love him so much. LOL.

I'm glad the FedEx guy finally came!

Enjoy your weekend!

Brittany said...

Hey Carolyn I'm a new reader! A friend sent me your blog because I'm a fellow new yorker (moved here in Sept). I have the same issue with my roomies and the shower! Argh it's so frustrating.

Hope you have enjoyed your first few days :)

The Depressed Yogi said...

Hi Brittany - welcome to my blog!!! Do you have one?

Brittany said...

No, I wish I had the patience. I'm sure I'm going to enjoy reading yours though. I'm a vegetarian so it's fun seeing all the places you're eating!